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Latest Incident:
Team called by the police to help search for vulnerable 32 year old male missing for about 12 hours. Five team members deployed to search a small area...
More details

More information about associate membership of The Teesdale and Weardale Search and Rescue Team may be found here.

A paper version of this form may be found here. Completing the form online reduces the chance of errors arising and assists TWSMRT administration. Any technical problems should be emailed here . You will be contacted shortly after you submit the form to arrange payment.

None of your details will be passed onto any third parties. We will not bombard you with letters, fliers or free gifts.

Membership is due for renewal in March and costs £10.00 a year. Mid year renewals are charged pro-rarta, with renewals after September being for a full year the extra to go through until the following March.

The current pro rata charge is £ 5 which covers associate membership until March 2025

Home Phone
Mobile Phone
If you would also like to actively support the Team with Street Collections, Fundraising please click here:
Extra information:
I would like to giftaid any donation I give to TWSMRT Completing this Gift Aid declaration allows the Teesdale and Weardale Search and Rescue Team to reclaim the basic tax on any doantion you make, from the Inland Revenue and at no cost to you. Please read the notes below before agreeing to gift aid to TWSRT.
A little extra helpExtra donations to support the work of TWSMRT are aways very welcome. I would like to add a donation of £to my membership fee.


Gift aid notes:

1. You must pay income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount that the charity reclaims in the tax year (currently 28p for each £1 you give).
2. You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying the charity
3. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the charity reclaims, you can cancel your declaration (see note 1).
4. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your self-assessment tax return.
5. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift aid tax relief - ask the charity, or ask your local tax office for leaflet IR 65
6. Please notify TWSMRT if you change your name or address.