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Latest Incident:
The Team were called by NEAS to a male suffering from an Asthma attack at the bottom of Cauldron Snout. Twelve Team members assembled and helped him ...
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Annual running costs of over £35,000 are met entirely by voluntary donations, grants, charitable trusts and sponsorship. The Team is a registered Charity (Charity number 508877). The team consists of around 50 volunteers, all on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All our volunteers have full time jobs and meet almost all their own expenses of being in the team.

The Teesdale and Weardale Search and Mountain Rescue Team needs your support!

There are many ways you could support the Team. You can donating online using paypal. As a charity we can also claim the tax back on donations made by eligible UK tax payers using gift aid. Please gift aid your donation here. If you would rather make a direct bank tranfer please send us an email and we'll send you the detail you need.

We have various items of merchandise which can be provided to support any fundraising which you can purchase by contacting the fundraising officer. These items vary but usually consist of items such as badges, pens, fridge magnets, wrist bands etc.

Many shops and businesses in County Durham look after collecting boxes for us and if you are a local business owner who could support us with this we would love to hear from you.

In exchange for a small donation the team regularly gives talks to local organisations and schools, if this is something you may be interested in please contact the publiciity officer. These events tell people about the team and its work and also help promote safe practice in the hills and mountains.

If you have any ideas about how you would like to raise funds for the team please get in touch and we will be delighted to support you with this.

Finally thank you very much to all our supporters past and present!

Fundraising Officer