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Dogs Tally Holly Nut Misty Sam


Trainee search dog Tally is the newest dog to the pack, a black and white short haired Collie that still has an incredible chewing record.

She was born in November 2008 up in Northumberland (Farm near Haydon Bridge) She moved into her new home in January 2009.

She has been working on all the basic obedience requirements to en-able her to register with SARDA England.

  • Sit
  • Lie down
  • Stay - 5 minutes with handler insight, 5 minutes with the handler out of sight
  • Wait
  • Recall
  • Drop in recall
  • Heal work both on and off the lead
  • Stock test

She has recently undergone both her obedience and stock test where she successfully past them both!

She's now progresses onto Stage 1 where she is training to bark at the pretend body and the handler (indication) Tally then builds on this indication by adding distance and hidden bodies. Tally will find the body, bark, return to the handler, bark, and return to the body and continue this process until she gets her handler to the body to release the toy. This is considered the building block stage of a good search dog, handlers spend considerable time in this stage getting their indication and sequence just right.

Tally thinking "that camera looks a good toy; I could chew that in 5minutes!!!!"

Handler holding Tally as she watches the body run away with her toy, the body runs off 30-50m then lies down on her toy. When she finds the body she barks and barks until the body releases the toy.

Tally playing with her favourite body Rich after finding him lying down in Keswick park! This play is very important in tally's training, Tally must be body focused

Tally is truly body focused!! Note how the body is taking the toy from Tally and the handler is holding her back. This is so Tally thinks the body always has her toy "Bodies are just thieves".

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